Protect your budget 和 make homeownership less stressful with helpful 家服务 from 美国本土盾.
看到 计划协议 有关保险详情,包括服务费、限制及除外事项. 未承保项目的承保范围和费用可能适用.
从电视到监控摄像头再到Wi-Fi,bet3365标准版可以满足您的所有技术需求. 服务由HelloTech提供.
看到 计划协议 有关保险详情,包括服务费、限制及除外事项. 未承保项目的承保范围和费用可能适用.
让bet3365标准版面对现实吧,东西会坏掉的. An 美国本土盾 home warranty can help make these inevitable breakdowns less stressful. As a member, you know your budget, your time 和 let’s be honest, your sanity, are covered.
看到 计划协议 有关保险详情,包括服务费、限制及除外事项. 未承保项目的承保范围和费用可能适用.
是的, we make homeownership less stressful 和 help protect your budget with the following home services that are exclusive to our members:
作为 美国本土盾®, you have access to discounted pricing for top appliance br和s 和 current models. Whether you are matching a dryer to a new washing machine or completing your dream kitchen with a specific dishwasher, bet3365标准版可以帮您以更低的价格找到合适的电器. 你也可以用 家电折扣计划 if your appliance couldn’t be repaired under your home warranty 和 you opted for cash in lieu of a similar model because you would like to upgrade your appliance. 有了bet3365标准版的独家折扣,你的钱就有了更多的价值!
bet3365标准版提供折扣。 暖通空调调整 一年两次, once in the spring to prepare your A/C for the summer months ahead 和 again in the fall to ensure your heating system is ready for the winter. 的折扣率 ShieldSilver™ 和 ShieldGold™ 会员每件75美元外加任何适用的销售税. ShieldPlatinum™ 会员可在每个合约期内免费调整一次. 用于空调系统, daytime outside air temperature must be 65 degrees Fahrenheit or above to perform a tune-up. A/C 系统 are not eligible for a tune-up during the fall heating tune-up season. 加热 系统 are not eligible for a tune-up during the spring A/C tune-up season. 暖通空调机组必须是专业人员可以安全访问的.
bet3365标准版的价格取决于几个因素,比如 的水平 报道 你家里需要的东西 和 服务费用 你选择. 与 三种方案可供选择,你可以选择适合你和你的家庭需要的计划.
bet3365标准版的标准合同期限是1年,到期后可以续订. 当你购买一个新的bet3365标准版计划, 你有30天的等待期才能做第一笔交易 服务请求.
您可以在购买后30天内提出第一次服务请求 bet3365标准版计划.
bet3365标准版最好的计划是最适合你的! 的 ShieldSilver™ 计划 is for homeowners who want to cover the must-haves like your heating 和 cooling, 管道, 和电气 系统. 的 ShieldGold™ 计划 对于那些想要少受打扰的人来说,这是完美的吗, 尤其是洗衣房和厨房, 覆盖了主要系统和 电器 你每天都使用. 和 ShieldPlatinum™ 计划, you get 报道 for just about everything: key components of 23 major home 系统 和 电器, 加上高级功能 屋顶漏水修补覆盖范围,电器的保险加倍,还有免费的 暖通空调发动机的调整. 没有两个家是相同的,这就是为什么bet3365标准版有选择-所以你可以 找到计划 这符合你的需求.
当你加入美国本土盾, there are two fees associated with your home service 计划: the 计划 cost 和 amount you'll pay when you need to request service, 你的服务费.
Your 服务费用 is a set amount that covers the cost for a Pro to diagnose the problem (whether it's determined to be covered or not). Choose a higher fee to lower your monthly payment or a lower fee to pay less when you request service.
如果你的故障被完全覆盖,你只需要付这些钱. 你的计划支付其余的维修费用.
如果您的故障不在保险范围内或超出了您的计划限额, you'll receive a detailed ex计划ation of repair costs 和 you can decide how you want to proceed.
†New Jersey Residents: 的 product being offered is a service contract 和 is separate 和 distinct from any product or service warranty which may be provided by the home builder or manufacturer.